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Oct 02, 2014
Glide Magazine
Nestled in amongst some trees and long stretches of highway is a community which has over the past couple of years been building a small oasis by bringing some music to their laid back part of the state in Louisiana. A hidden little gem known as the Bogalusa Blues & Heritage Festival, it doesn’t need superman acts to waltz into town and lay down a lot of rock star attitude. They don’t need spray painted pop singers or football length stage acreage. No, all this little festival has to offer is good music, good food and people having a good time.
Mar 01, 2016
Louisiana Office of Tourism
One of Louisiana's newest festivals, BB&HF is primed to become a premier regional cultural event again this September. We aim to preserve the blues and the gumbo of music that is our heritage. BB&HF is committed to bringing together the finest in musical talent and artists, along the best of food vendors, in the piney woods of Bogalusa.
Oct 30, 2014
Blues Festival Guide
The Bogalusa Blues and Heritage Festival was born in 2012 after Mayor Charles Mizell, who was working to reclaim and enhance Cassidy Park as part of an overall transformation of the economically struggling city, added the component of culture to the purview of the city’s Parks and Recreation Committee.
Jul 14, 2014
NOLA.com (The Times Picayune)
Now entering its third year, the Bogalusa Blues and Heritage Festival is expanding from a one-day event to a two-day festival that will add on-site camping, a celebrity poster artist, and more. Changes come following a tripling in attendance for the 2013 event, which drew over 5,000 people and included a full lineup of blues musicians, crafts, and food.